to nara :
娜拉,童颜美女真的非常棒,很期待你下一个作品,童颜美女从最初的个位数收视一直到第一名的大结局,这和你的辛苦努力是分不开的,还有童颜美女的其他主演工作人员,你们辛苦了!没有你们的日夜辛苦工作,就没有这样好评如潮的电视剧!娜拉,每一次看你,看你的表演,看你的投入,真的感触很深,不知道用什么来表达那种只对你有的感觉,你是我心中唯一的天使,守护你,一直一直...你的哭你的笑,你的一颦一簇,都牵动娜迷的心,我们希望,你不止带给我们好的作品,我们更需要的是一个健康的你,要多多休息哦,在你拍童颜美女的时候,我们都知道你一天只睡两个小时,睡眠是很重要的,我们在剧中,看到了你的黑眼圈,看到了你疲惫的样子,可是你还是那么敬业,那么拼命的工作,就为赶进度,就为让我们看到你,你以为,我们会放心么?你的心,我们懂,你对娜迷的贴心,我们懂!你对大家的好,没有人敢否认,你是完美的,如果说,你有什么缺点,那么我想说,你不够爱自己!娜拉,我们都知道,这份工作,你是热爱的,但是,没有什么比你的健康更重要,回家好好休息,知道么?我们希望,下个月,看到你的时候,你会胖一点,更爱美食一点!就像08年发《Dream of Asia》一样,那时候的你,好喜欢!不要为了好身材而委屈自己哦!在我们的心里,你一直都是最美的,最棒的!娜迷要一直支持你,陪你走下去,我们陪你看风景,我们陪你唱歌谣,我们陪着你!你要唱歌我们听,你要拍戏我们看,你要创作我们赏,无论你要做什么,我们都支持你!我们相信你的选择,娜迷是你最坚硬的后盾!你是娜迷最爱的天使,我们要不离不弃哦!还有..就是,你懂的!张爸爸还有一个心愿,娜拉,我们都爱你!相信,你一直都会给我们惊喜!加油!娜拉!
From: Wenzhou Zhejiang China
ID: kitty
To nara:
Nara, [Beauty Of Babyface] is really great, I'm looking forward to your next work, [Beauty Of Babyface]from the initial viewing through the first digit of the finale, all of those things is inseparable from your hard work , and there are other [Beauty Of Babyface]’s starring excellent staff,well done! Without your hard work day and night, there is no such critically acclaimed TV series! Nara, each time to see you, see your performance, see your input,are really affect me ——a strong feelings, do not know what express these so gratful feelings to you, in my heart you are my angel, guarding you , forever... you cry you laugh, with your smiling are affecting all of our hearts, we hope, you not only give us more good works, but also has a good health and lots of rest.To make [Beauty Of Babyface], we all know that sleep two hours of your day, sleep is very important that we see dark circles on your eyes in the site, tired of seeing you , you are still so dedicated, worked so hard , it is to finish the work on to let us see you, do you think we will be rest assured you? Your heart, we know, you close to us, we know! You are kind of us, no one dare deny that you are perfect, if you have any weaknesses, then I would say you not love yourself enough! Nara, we all know, the job you love, but there is nothing more important than your health, you may go home and rest, Okay? We hope that next monthwhen we see you again, you could be a little fat,and more love food! As in 2008 issued "Dream of Asia", that time I really like! Do not for a good body and wronged yourselvf Oh! In our hearts, you have always the most pretty angel, is the best! we are always supporting you, go with you, we accompany you look at the scenery, we sing songs to accompany you, we stay with you! you will singing songs to us, you will Filming to us , you have to create we are appreciation, no matter what you do, we all support you! We believe your choice, the most rigid backing you is us——you‘re lovely fans! you’re my dearest angel, we would stubbornly persists ! .. There is...and, you know!your father had a wish, Nara, we love you! I believe that you will always give us many surprises ! Come on! Nara!
BY: kitty
最近考虑的事太多 没什么灵感 今天才提交上来 哈哈 最主要的还是想告诉娜拉 “张娜拉”在我们心中是最最无可取代的 韩语不太好 本来考虑用中文的 不过还是用韩文吧 娜拉会看的明了一些
to nara:나라누나 안녕하세요~잘 있으셨어요^^?동안미녀 촬영하는 날들 많이 고생하셨죠.무엇보다도 좋은 작품이 나와서 제일 좋습니다~우리 팬들은 항상 나라누나의 작품을 기대하고 있고 응원하고 있습니다.다른 노래도 듣고 다른 방송도 보고 있지만 매번"장나라"란 이름이 나올 때마다 그땐 바로 나같은 팬들의 제일 감동하고 행복한 시절이죠.그렇니까 나라누나도 우리에게 실망지지 않고 힘내세요~나는 나라누나가 예능을 잘 못해도 어떤 인기 예능프로그램에 나올 수 있으면 정말 좋겠어(우결처럼)~마지막엔 나라누나는 항상 몸을 조심하시고 행복하세요~ㅋㅋㅋ~作者: 大包 时间: 2011-7-9 21:56